Governor Hogan Joins Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, C4 and Bryan Nehman

Governor Hogan today joined The Hugh Hewitt Radio Show and C4 and Bryan Nehman on WBAL Radio today to talk about bringing decency, bipartisanship and strong, independent leadership to the United States Senate. The Hugh Hewitt Radio Show On Being a Maverick and Working Across The Aisle: “My opponent is trying to make this about […]

Democratic Veteran Shares Reasons for Supporting Hogan for Maryland

Hogan will bring principles and compromise to Senate | GUEST COMMENTARY Colin Pascal The Baltimore Sun July 12, 2024 Click here to see the full article. Twenty years of service in the Army conditioned me to think about the nation and the well-being of others before I ever considered myself. With this in mind, and with […]

“Strong, Independent Leaders Can Make A Difference”: Hogan For Maryland Launches Third General Election TV Ad

Today, Hogan for Maryland is launching the third TV ad of the general election. “Independent Leadership” invokes Congressman Larry Hogan Sr., the first Republican to call for President Nixon’s impeachment, and Sen. John McCain, the deciding vote against Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare. “Strong, independent leaders can make a difference—that’s exactly what Washington needs today,” Governor […]

Hogan for Maryland Announces Second Co-Chair for Democrats for Hogan

Hogan for Maryland today announced its second co-chair for the “Democrats for Hogan” coalition with a video message from Rona Kramer, former Secretary of the Maryland Department of Aging and former Democratic State Senator from Montgomery County. Watch the video message. “For the eight years that I served in the Hogan cabinet, there was no discussion about […]

Governor Hogan Talks Taxes, Crime and the Border Crisis

Governor Larry Hogan joined WMAL Radio today to discuss the challenges facing Marylanders today, including crime, the border crisis, and the Maryland General Assembly’s proposed tax increases.   On the General Assembly’s proposed tax hike: “I cut taxes eight years in a row by $4.7 billion. We took a $5 billion dollar deficit and turned […]