Herald Mail: Hogan calls out ‘Project 2025’ in Washington Post opinion piece

Hogan calls out ‘Project 2025’ in Washington Post opinion piece By Dwight A. Weingarten Herald Mail July 25, 2024 Read the full article here. Read the Washington Post op-ed here. Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican candidate for United States Senate, wrote a recent opinion piece for the Washington Post calling a much-discussed conservative presidential planning […]

Governor Hogan’s Baltimore Sun Op-Ed: No to Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project

No to Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project By Larry Hogan The Baltimore Sun and Carroll County Times July 25, 2024 Read the full op-ed here. Over the last two weeks, I have received a number of messages from Marylanders about a proposed transmission line project that would run through Baltimore, Carroll and Frederick counties. Residents were blindsided […]

Governor Hogan’s Washington Post Op-Ed: Project 2025 shreds American values

Project 2025 shreds American values By Larry Hogan Washington Post July 19, 2024 Read the full op-ed here. Larry Hogan, a former governor of Maryland, is the state’s Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. I am a firm believer in what might be called traditional American values: rule of law, separation of church and state, and […]

Hogan Campaign Raises $10 Million in 5 Months

The Hogan campaign raised $9.7 million by the end of the June 30th fundraising quarter—including over $6.6 million in the quarter alone. In the five-month period since Governor Hogan announced his candidacy for Senate in February to today, the campaign has already surpassed $10 million with a majority of these contributions coming from Maryland. By comparison, the Alsobrooks campaign […]

Hogan for Maryland Attends Greg’s Ride with Anne Arundel County First Responders

Hogan for Maryland today celebrated the life of Fire Fighter Greg Leonard at “Greg’s Ride” with IAFF Local 1563 Motorcycle Group and Anne Arundel County first responders. “I was honored to have the opportunity to spend the afternoon with Anne Arundel County firefighters, police officers and retired first responders to honor the life of Greg […]

Democratic Veteran Shares Reasons for Supporting Hogan for Maryland

Hogan will bring principles and compromise to Senate | GUEST COMMENTARY Colin Pascal The Baltimore Sun July 12, 2024 Click here to see the full article. Twenty years of service in the Army conditioned me to think about the nation and the well-being of others before I ever considered myself. With this in mind, and with […]