Hogan for Maryland is proud to announce the endorsement of Annapolis Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 1926, representing the full-time professional firefighters that keep Maryland’s capital city safe. This is the latest in a growing list of first responders to endorse Governor Hogan’s campaign for United States Senate.

“Larry Hogan has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of our firefighters, first responders and the communities we protect,” Annapolis Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 1926 President Joe Pilat said. “On behalf of the Annapolis Professional Firefighters, I proudly endorse Larry Hogan for U.S. Senate and encourage all of our members, and the citizens of our great state, to support this dedicated public servant in the upcoming election.”
“Maryland first’s responders risk their lives to protect our communities every single day—in Annapolis, we saw this as recently as Saturday, when the Annapolis Professional Firefighters rushed into danger to extinguish a blaze on the Severn River,” Governor Hogan said. “It’s an honor to have the endorsement of these local heroes who sacrifice so much for our communities. They’ll always be able to count on my support.”
This week, Annapolis professional firefighters blocked a burning boat from crashing into a community pier in Severna Park.
Earlier this week, Hogan for Maryland announced the endorsement of the Anne Arundel IAFF Local 1563, representing nearly 900 full-time professional firefighters and paramedics in Anne Arundel County.
Governor Hogan’s growing list of union and first responder support so far also includes the endorsements of the following organizations:
- Baltimore Firefighters IAFF Local 734
- Montgomery County Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 35
- Carroll County Professional Fire Fighters & Paramedics Association IAFF Local 5184
- Public Safety Professionals of Cecil County IAFF Local 4645
- Ocean City Career Firefighter Paramedics Association IAFF Local 4269
- Worcester County Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 4916
- Over a dozen Maryland Sheriffs
- Over a dozen State’s Attorneys
- Maryland Troopers Association
- International Union of Police Associations
- State Law Enforcement Officers Labor Alliance (SLEOLA),which represents a wide array of Maryland law enforcement labor organizations—including the the Maryland State Police, the Natural Resources Police, Office of the State Fire Marshal, the Maryland Capitol Police, the Maryland Department of Health Police, the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Police, the Maryland Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services Intelligence & Investigative Division and the Warrant Apprehension Unit, the Motor Vehicle Administration Police, and the Comptroller’s Office Field Enforcement Agents.