Governor Hogan's Record on Reproductive Rights: He Kept His Word

“I’ll support legislation that makes Roe the law of the land, in every state, so every woman gets the reproductive care she needs, because no one should come between a woman and her doctor.”

Larry Hogan has been on the record opposing a federal abortion ban for three decades.

  • As far back as 1992, Hogan has publicly opposed a federal abortion ban.
  • When he first ran for Governor, Hogan promised not to change Maryland’s laws protecting abortion access.

Long before he was a candidate for Senate, Hogan said that Roe was “correctly decided.”

As Governor, Larry Hogan kept his promise and protected abortion access.

  • Under Governor Hogan, Maryland ranked as one of the best states for abortion access in the country and earned praise from pro-choice groups

  • In 2018, Governor Hogan supported efforts to allow voters to insert abortion protections into the state constitution.

  • Abortion remains legal and accessible in Maryland even after the Dobbs decision.


Democrats and their outside groups have repeatedly tried and failed to paint Larry Hogan as an extremist on abortion.

  •  In 2014, Hogan’s opponent and Democratic groups ran attack ads painting him as anti-abortion; the ads were quickly rebutted and Hogan won the election.

  • Democratic attacks against Hogan’s position on abortion in 2014 were widely denounced as inaccurate and desperate.

  • In 2018, Governor Hogan “easily” won re-election despite Democrats’ attempts to inject abortion into the race.

Larry Hogan has been a stalwart defender of access to contraception.

  • All his life, Hogan has consistently and unequivocally supported “unfettered access to birth control for every single woman in Maryland.”

  • As Governor, Hogan signed the Contraceptive Equity Act, expanding access to contraception in the state and providing expanded access to birth control and investing in greater access to prenatal care, postpartum care and child health visits.

Here's the Facts:


In 1992, Hogan Opposed A Federal Ban On Abortion

In 1992 Hogan Opposed A Federal Ban On Abortion.
“Larry Hogan Jr. (R)… A real estate broker in his first run for elected office, he has a history in politics… Opposes abortion, but would not vote for a federal ban.” (Jim Clardy, “No Shortage Of Decisions In P.G,, Montgomery,” The Washington Times, 10/28/92) 

While Running For Governor In 2014, Hogan Said Abortion Is Settled Law In Maryland And Pledged Not To Change Those Laws

Hogan Professed To Catholic Officials That While Personally He Opposes Abortion, He Would Not Impose His Faith On The People Of Maryland. “The two major party candidates for Maryland’s governor in November’s general election –Democrat Anthony Brown and Republican Larry Hogan – both of whom are Catholic, spelled out their stances on the issues during recent wide ranging interviews with Catholic officials… Hogan said he is personally opposed to abortion. ‘Those issues are settled law in Maryland, and I’m not going to impose my faith or personal views on anyone else…” (Mark Zimmermann, “Candidates For Maryland Governor Differ On Education Support, Assisted Suicide,” Catholic Standard, 10/24/14)

Hogan: “I Have Said Over And Over Again That Nothing Is Going To Change On Abortion With Me As Governor. I Have My Own Personal Views About The Issue, But I’ve Said, The People Of Maryland Decided This Issue In 1992. I’d Take An Oath To Uphold The Laws Of Maryland And I Intend To Do Nothing To Change Those Laws.”
(Don Harrison, “GOP Larry Hogan Blast Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown Over Campaign Ads,” WMAR, 9/14/14)

Hogan: “He Says That I Oppose Abortion Even In The Cases Of Rape And Incest, And That I Want To Take Away Birth Control. That Is Just Absolutely Not True… I’m Not Going To Roll Back Anything. Nothing Is Going To Change With Respect To Reproductive Rights.”
(Michael Dresser and Erin Cox, “Brown, Hogan Accuse Each Other Of Not Telling Truth,” The Baltimore Sun, 10/7/14) 

“I’ve Said Repeatedly Since I Got In The Race … We’re Not Going To Do Anything With Abortion Access In Maryland.” (Andrew Sharp, “Hogan Positive About Election Chances,” The Star Democrat, 9/8/14)

Hogan: “Nothing Will Change On Abortion With Me As Governor.”
(John Wagner, “Hogan Accuses Brown Of Running ‘Dishonest’ Ads That Distort His Record,” The Washington Post, 9/18/14) 

Following The Election, Governor-Elect Hogan Reiterated That He Does Not Intend To Change Abortion Policies; Concern Is The Economy.
In Hogan’s defense, he is merely staying true to what he told voters during the race. He also is sticking to his promise not to seek changes in Maryland’s liberal policies on such social issues as abortion, same-sex marriage and gun control. ‘I’m a fiscal conservative. I want to fix the economy. That’s all I’m concerned about,’ Hogan said in the interview.” (Robert McCartney, “Larry Hogan Sticks To Hard Lines On Need To Cut Spending, Taxes In Maryland,” The Washington Post


In 2019, In An Interview With
The New York Times, Governor Hogan said he believed Roe V. Wade Was “Correctly Decided.” “And asked whether he believed Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal nationwide, had been correctly decided by the court, Mr. Hogan replied in the affirmative: ‘I think so.” (Alexander Burns and Lisa Lerer, “Larry Hogan, Maryland Governor, Urges Republicans to Look Beyond ‘Shrinking Base,” New York Times, 2/23/19). 


Abortion Remained Accessible In Maryland Under Governor Hogan

According To NARAL Pro-Choice America, Under Governor Hogan, Maryland Ranked High And Remained One Of The Top States In Providing Access To Abortion.
In the January 2016 report, conducted by NARAL Pro-Choice America, under Governor Hogan, Maryland received a “B+” rating for accessibility to abortion. In the January 2015 report, Maryland received an “A” rating. (“Who Decides?: The Status Of Women’s Reproductive Rights In The United States,” NARAL Pro-Choice America, 1/2016; “Who Decides?: The Status Of Women’s Reproductive Rights In The United States,” NARAL Pro-Choice America, 1/2015)  

  • No Other State With A Republican Governor Received A Higher Rating Than Maryland. Among states with Republican governors, Maryland’s “B+” rating is tied with Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, and New Mexico. No state with a Republican governor received a higher rating than a “B+” from NARAL. (“Who Decides?: The Status Of Women’s Reproductive Rights In The United States,” NARAL Pro-Choice America, 1/2016)
In 2018, Governor Hogan Stated That He Would Support Voters Deciding Whether Language Should Be Inserted Into The State Constitution To Protect Abortion

Speaker Busch Plans To Introduce Legislation To Include Language In The Maryland State Constitution Which Would Protect Abortion In Maryland. Maryland’s House Speaker Michael E. Busch plans to lead an effort to enshrine a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy in the state constitution, joining a number of other states attempting to preempt any move by the Supreme Court to erode abortion protections. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) said he will personally introduce and garner support for legislation asking voters to approve a constitutional amendment, likely in the next presidential election. An amendment would mean that even if the Supreme Court overturned its ban on state laws prohibiting abortion, no such legislation could be passed in Maryland. ‘If [voters] decide that this becomes part of the constitution, a woman’s right to choose will never be debated, it will never be a bargaining chip’ in the legislative process, Busch said Wednesday evening.” (Erin Cox, “With Fate Of U.S. Abortion Rights Unclear, Md. House Speaker Aims To Strengthen State Protections,” The Washington Post, 8/2/18)

Governor Hogan Stated That He Would Support Efforts Allowing Voters To Decide.
“Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican who is running for re-election and personally opposes abortion, said he supports the effort to let voters decide. ‘We’ve got pretty tough laws already that protect the right to an abortion, and I promised four years ago that I wouldn’t change any laws,’ Hogan said. ‘I don’t know that [a constitutional amendment is] necessary, but if they want to put it on the ballot to let voters decide, that sounds like a great idea. I trust the voters of Maryland to make the right decision.’” (Erin Cox, “With Fate Of U.S. Abortion Rights Unclear, Md. House Speaker Aims To Strengthen State Protections,” The Washington Post, 8/2/18)

Even After
Dobbs, Maryland Ranks As One Of The Most Protective States For Abortion Access In The Country.

After The
Dobbs Decision, The Center For Reproductive Rights Put Maryland’s State Abortion Laws In Their “Expanded Access” Category, Their Best Rating. (“After Roe Fell: Abortion Laws By State,” Center for Reproductive Rights, Accessed 2/16/24)

The Guardian
: “Maryland law protects the right to abortion.” (“Abortion rights across the US: we track where laws stand in every state,” The Guardian, 1/12/24)

The Pro-Choice Guttmacher Institute Rated Maryland’s State Abortion Laws “Very Protective” Of Abortion Access.
(“Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe,” Guttmacher Institute, 1/24/24)


In 2014, The Democratic Governors Association And Anthony Brown Ran Attack Ads Against Hogan On Abortion That Were Quickly Rebutted

In 2014, Anthony Brown’s First Television Ad In The Washington D.C. Market Accused Governor Hogan Of “Opposing A Woman’s Right To Choose.” “
In Brown’s new ad, the narrator says that Hogan ‘opposes a woman’s right to choose’ and ‘wants to ban abortions even in cases of rape and incest.’ Hogan has long opposed abortion, including as a congressional candidate in three previous election cycles. But he has repeatedly said that, if elected governor, he has no plans to pursue the issue in a legislature dominated by Democrats.” (John Wagner, “Brown’s First Ads In Washington Market Target Hogan’s ‘Dangerous’ GOP Agenda,” The Washington Post, 9/16/14)

Democratic Governors Association
Ad: Hogan’s “Position On Abortion Is Radical, Dangerous, And Would Take Maryland Backwards.” “On women and family issues, will Larry Hogan take Maryland backwards? His record says yes. Hogan supported a plan that would ban abortion, even in the case of rape and incest. And Hogan backed a plan that would outlaw common forms of birth control. Outlaw abortion? Ban common forms of birth control? That’s Republican Larry Hogan’s record. It’s radical, dangerous, and would take Maryland backwards.” (“Dangerous,” YouTube, 9/23/14)   

  • The Democratic Governors Association Spent $750,000 Attacking Hogan On Abortion. “The DGA previously spent about $750,000 on three weeks of ads in the Baltimore market that attack Hogan’s record on social issues, including his past opposition to abortion rights. The ads, which call Hogan’s positions ‘dangerous’ and “radical,” have been branded ‘deceitful’ by the Republican candidate.” (John Wagner and Scott Clement, “Democratic Governors Group Spends $400,000 More To Bolster Brown Campaign,” The Washington Post, 10/2/14)

Hogan Criticized Brown And The DGA For Doubling Down And Propagating More False Lies.
“Anthony Brown is now doubling down on his false and vile ad campaign by putting out even more ads that are even worse and tell even bigger lies than the previous ones,’ Hogan said. ‘What’s worse, it now seems these ads are being paid for in part with special interest money from the very corporations Anthony Brown hired to build his failed health exchange, which is currently under a federal fraud investigation.’” (Michael Dresser, “Democratic Governors Run Ad Slamming Hogan,” The Baltimore Sun, 9/23/14)

Hogan’s Daughter Jaymi Sterling Appeared In An
AdDenouncing Brown’s Attack; Stated Hogan Would Not Change Maryland Abortion Laws And Support For Over The Counter Birth Control. Jaymi Sterling: “These ads attacking him as anti-women are just wrong. He’s the only candidate who favors over the counter birth control covered by insurance and he’s committed to not changing current Maryland law on choice.” (“Jaymi,” YouTube, 9/25/14)  

  • Jaymi Sterling Denounced Brown’s Claims That Hogan Is “Anti- Woman”; Reiterated That Hogan Would Not Change Abortion Laws. “When the campaign wanted somebody to publicly rebut Brown’s accusations, it decided on Jaymi Sterling, Yumi Hogan’s middle daughter. Sterling, 33, a state prosecutor in St. Mary’s County, filmed a television spot saying the ads attacking Hogan as ‘anti-woman’ are ‘just wrong.’ ‘I had a strong feeling about the way the Brown campaign was depicting my dad,’ Sterling said in an interview. Larry Hogan ‘said throughout his entire campaign he is a devout Catholic, but he does not believe he is going to change the laws. I feel the same way. I am not Catholic. I am Presbyterian. We are a religious family. We have Christian and Catholic beliefs.’” (Jeff Barker, “Artist-Wife Yumi Hogan Strays ‘Outside Of Her Normal Comfort Level’,”   The Baltimore Sun, 10/10/14) 

Hogan Released A Second
Ad In Which A Female Democrat Stated Her Support For Hogan; Noted That A “Big Selling Point” Is That Hogan Would Not Change Laws On Abortion. Amie Shank: “One big selling point for me with Larry Hogan is the fact that he will not change any current Maryland law when it comes to important social issues.” (“Amie,” YouTube, 10/23/14)

Democratic Attacks Against Hogan’s Position On Abortion Were Widely Denounced As Inaccurate And Desperate

In Their Endorsement Of Anthony Brown, The Baltimore Sun Noted That Brown’s Attacks On Abortion Were “Nearly Enough Reason To Endorse” Hogan.
“A few words first, though, about Mr. Hogan. He is a genuine and appealing candidate and by no means the ‘dangerous’ monster the Brown campaign has sought to portray. The unrepentant mendacity of Mr. Brown’s attacks on the Republican’s positions on abortion and school construction is nearly reason enough to endorse Mr. Hogan.” (Editorial, “Brown For Governor,” The Baltimore Sun, 10/25/14)

The Baltimore Sun Editorial: Brown “Has To Rely On 34-Year-Old-Newspaper Articles” To Attack Hogan On Abortion.
‘Mr. Hogan’s views on abortion are nuanced — he’s personally opposed to it but would not seek to change Maryland law — but it sounds better to say he wants to ban it even in cases of rape or incest, so that’s what Mr. Brown is doing, even if he has to rely on 34-year-old newspaper articles to back up the charge.” (Editorial, “Brown, Hogan And The Limits Of ‘Truthiness’,” The Baltimore Sun, 10/8/14)

Howard County Times Editorial: “Brown’s Campaign Ads That Imply Hogan Would Change Abortion Laws… Are Deceitful.”
(Editorial, “In A Close Call, Howard County Times Endorses Hogan For Governor,” Howard County Times, 10/29/14)

Barry Rascovar: “He Not Only Manufactured False Charge Against Hogan On Abortion… His Campaign Has Kept Screaming Those Invalid Accusations In A Propaganda Blitz Dominated By ‘Big Lie’ Tactics.”
(Barry Rascovar, “Brown, Hogan Lying To Voters,” Maryland Reporter, 10/12/14)

“The Democratic Effort To Use The Abortion Issue Flopped In 2014.”
(Michael Dresser, “Ben Jealous criticizes Maryland Gov. Hogan for declining to comment on Trump’s possible Supreme Court pick,” Baltimore Sun, 7/3/18)

In 2018, Hogan “Easily” Won Re-Election Despite Democratic Attempts To Inject Abortion Into The Race

In July 2018, Ben Jealous Attacked Gov. Hogan’s Record On Abortion In An Effort To Motivate The Democratic Base.
“Abortion — an issue that has been muted in Maryland politics — resurfaced Tuesday when Democrat Ben Jealous questioned Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s commitment to women’s reproductive rights as President Donald J. Trump prepares to nominate a Supreme Court justice who could threaten Roe v. Wade. The Democratic gubernatorial nominee challenging Hogan in the November election issued a statement criticizing the Republican’s record on abortion after the governor declined to take a position on the looming Supreme Court struggle during an interview with Washington’s WTOP radio…. Jealous, a former NAACP president, is betting that the abortion issue has more power to motivate Democrats then it did four years ago because of the recent announcement that Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring.” (Michael Dresser, “Ben Jealous criticizes Maryland Gov. Hogan for declining to comment on Trump’s possible Supreme Court pick,” Baltimore Sun, 7/3/18)

In August 2018, Jealous And His Democratic Allies Again Tried To Insert Abortion Into The Gubernatorial Campaign With New State Legislation On Abortion Protections.
“Republican Gov. Larry Hogan said he trusts voters to “make the right decision” when it comes to adding proposed protections to abortion to the Maryland Constitution. House Speaker Michael Busch’s announcement of legislation to change the state constitution brings back a campaign issue from the 2014 gubernatorial election…The proposed legislation returns the issue of reproductive rights back to 2018 campaign for governor. In 2014, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, Hogan’s Democratic opponent, ran commercials claiming Hogan would roll back abortion laws in the state… Ben Jealous, the Democratic nominee in the 2018 election, said he would support Busch’s effort. ‘In the Trump era, Maryland’s governor must have the courage to take every step possible to ensure a woman’s right to choose is protected, and that reproductive health is never a political bargaining chip,’ said Jealous.” (Bryan P. Sears, “With Busch proposal, abortion issue enters Md. governor’s race,” Daily Record, 8/2/18)

Hogan “Easily” Defeated Jealous To Win A Second Term.
“Republican Gov. Larry Hogan easily won a second term Tuesday, lifted by Democrats who crossed party lines to vote for his centrist approach to governing despite their anger over President Donald Trump. In defeating Democrat Ben Jealous, Hogan achieved a rare feat in heavily Democratic Maryland.” (Luke Broadwater, “Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan re-elected, soundly defeating Ben Jealous,” Baltimore Sun, 11/6/18)

In The 2018 Campaign, Governor Hogan’s Daughter JaymiSterling And Granddaughter Nora Appeared In An Ad “Highlighting His Record On Issues Important To Women.
(Erin Cox, “Hogan’s daughter, granddaughter star in ad saying GOP governor is pro-woman,” Washington Post, 9/23/18)


Governor Hogan Supports Providing Women Access To Birth Control 

Hogan Is For Providing Women “Unfiltered Access To Birth Control.”
“After criticism from abortion rights groups and Maryland Democrats, Hogan said he is ‘for unfettered access tobirth control for every single woman in Maryland.’” (John Wagner, “In Md. Governor’s Race, Larry Hogan Pushes Pocketbook Issues, But Foes Push Back,” The Washington Post, 8/14/14)

  • Hogan Stated That He Would Expand Access To Birth Control. “Hogan says he has no intention of trying to change the law on abortion and would try to expand access to contraception by making it available over the counter.”(John Wagner, “Six Keys To The Maryland Governor’s Race,” The Washington Post, 11/2/14) 

Hogan Has Always Held The Opinion That Women Should Have Unfettered Access To Birth Control.
“Hogan insisted that his “lifelong position” has been that women should have ‘unfettered’ access to the birth control of their choice.” (Michael Dresser, “Democratic Governors Run Ad Slamming Hogan,” The Baltimore Sun, 9/23/14)

Governor Hogan Signed The Contraceptive Equity Act, Expanding Access To Contraception 

In 2016, Governor Hogan Signed
Legislation, The Contraceptive Equity Act, Requiring Insurance Companies To Provide Birth Control At No Additional Cost. “Advocates say a new Maryland law will place the state at the forefront of efforts to require insurance plans to offer birth control at no out-of-pocket cost, expanding access to women and men who want to prevent unwanted pregnancies.” (Pamela Wood, “New Law Puts Maryland At ‘Forefront’ Of Birth Control Access,” The Baltimore Sun, 5/9//16)  

  • Maryland Will Become The First State To Require Insurance Companies To Cover Over-The-Counter Emergency Contraceptives; Law Also Prohibits Individuals To Pay For Vasectomies. “The law goes further than President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which already reduced costs for women seeking birth control in many cases. Under the Contraceptive Equity Act, Maryland will be the first state to require insurance companies to cover over-the-counter emergency contraceptives, such so called morning-after pills, at no cost. Maryland also will be the first state prohibiting out-of-pocket costs for men who have vasectomies. Advocates who pushed the bill through the General Assembly say Maryland is the first state to pass such a comprehensive approach.” (Pamela Wood, “New Law Puts Maryland At ‘Forefront’ Of Birth Control Access,” The Baltimore Sun, 5/9//16)

  • Legislation Bars Co-Payments For Any Type Of Contraceptive; Allows Women To Receive Six Months Of Birth Control Pills At Once. “Other provisions prohibit co-payments for any type of contraceptive and also ban preauthorization requirements for long-acting contraceptives such as IUDs. The law allows women to receive six months’ worth of birth control pills at one time.”(Pamela Wood, “New Law Puts Maryland At ‘Forefront’ Of Birth Control Access,” The Baltimore Sun, 5/9//16)


Governor Hogan: “We Just Made The Decision, We Thought It Was The Right Decision To Make… I Decided It Was A Bill Worth Signing.” (“Birth Control Bill Signed Into Law In MD,” WTG, 5/11/16)

Planned Parenthood Of Maryland: “There’s Nothing As Comprehensive As This Act.”
“Maryland is on the forefront across the board with this act,’ said Karen Nelson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Maryland… ‘When so many states and so many pockets of the country are trying to take away reproductive health care and take away rights of women, Maryland is saying, ‘We are going to provide more health care coverage and more access to birth control…” ‘Many other states are implementing piecemeal provisions, but there’s nothing as comprehensive as this act,’ Nelson said.” (Pamela Wood, “New Law Puts Maryland At ‘Forefront’ Of Birth Control Access,” The Baltimore Sun, 5/9//16)

NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland: “With These Changes, We Can Ensure That Marylanders Have Access To The Contraception Method That Works Best For Them Without Delays Or Extra Fees.”
(“The Maryland Contraceptive Equity Act Of 2016,” NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland, Accessed: 5/10/16) 


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