“Strong, Independent Leaders Can Make A Difference”: Hogan For Maryland Launches Third General Election TV Ad

Today, Hogan for Maryland is launching the third TV ad of the general election. “Independent Leadership” invokes Congressman Larry Hogan Sr., the first Republican to call for President Nixon’s impeachment, and Sen. John McCain, the deciding vote against Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare. “Strong, independent leaders can make a difference—that’s exactly what Washington needs today,” Governor […]

“Larry Hogan Wants To Do the ‘Impossible’ Three Times in a Row”

By John McCormack The Dispatch June 17, 2024 Read the full article here. Incumbent Republican congressmen are retiring in droves amid frustration with their dysfunctional House majority. Three of the most prominent bipartisan dealmakers in the Senate—Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Mitt Romney of Utah—decided to head for the exits rather […]