VIDEO AND PHOTO RELEASE: Hogan for Maryland Holds School Supply Drive and Visits Paint Branch Elementary School in Prince George’s County

Hogan for Maryland today visited Paint Branch Elementary School in Prince George’s County, where Governor Hogan had the opportunity to speak with students and answer their questions. The campaign also collected and distributed backpacks, notebooks, and classroom supplies in celebration of the new school year. Click here for photos.Click here for b-roll. “It was great to visit Paint Branch […]

Hogan for Maryland Releases Statement on Alsobrooks Partisan TV Attack Ad

Hogan for Maryland today released the following statement on the partisan attack ad released by the Alsobrooks campaign: “This ad is what panic mode looks like. Marylanders know Governor Hogan is an independent leader who has stood up to his party time and again and they know his proven record of working across the aisle […]

Governor Hogan Joins Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, C4 and Bryan Nehman

Governor Hogan today joined The Hugh Hewitt Radio Show and C4 and Bryan Nehman on WBAL Radio today to talk about bringing decency, bipartisanship and strong, independent leadership to the United States Senate. The Hugh Hewitt Radio Show On Being a Maverick and Working Across The Aisle: “My opponent is trying to make this about […]