Another Maryland Union Endorses Hogan For Maryland–International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1429

Ahead of the announcement, Governor Hogan spent the afternoon with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA) and International Longshoremen’s Association Local 333, touring the Calhoon MEBA Engineering School in Easton, Maryland. The Calhoon MEBA Engineering School is a private maritime educational facility, a valuable training facility for the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association and all maritime […]

Hogan for Maryland Statement on Immigration Policies in Prince George’s County

Hogan for Maryland today released the following statement from Governor Hogan in response to new reporting on Prince George’s County’s non-cooperation policy with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which has resulted in shielding illegal immigrants who have committed violent crimes from federal agents: “Politics should never come before public safety. This is not partisan, it’s just common […]